The activity of musicological research I am doing at present is aimed at the deep analysis of themes connected to the musical culture of the Renaissance and of the Baroque , particularly with reference to the Estense period. The research in archives in writing the thesis for my graduation revealed interesting and unusual aspects which proved to enhance the cultural features of a period through its eminent history.


•  Graduation thesis: The Musical Life in Modena during the Dukedom of Cesare and Francesco 1 st of Este, University of Parma, Faculty of the Humanities , Academic Year 1998-1999 (Relator Prof. Claudio Gallico).

•  Convention of studies upon the Renaissance period – September 12 th 2000, Castelvetro (Mo).
Prof. Walter Moretti (teacher at the University of Ferrara), Dr.Micaela Rinaldi (researcher), Dr. Simona Boni (musicologist)

•  University Seminar – April 28 th 2004, University of Modena, Graduation Course in “Scienze dei Beni Culturali”
Relator: Dr. Simona Boni (musicologist) – Music and Art. Synaesthesia between sound, image and word.

- University Seminar – May 16 th 2005, University of Modena, Graduation Course in “Scienze dei Beni Culturali”
Relator: Dr. Simona Boni (musicologist) – Music and Logos. Th sound as representation.

- The Theatre of the Hearing . International Convention of studies upon Orazio Vecchi, in the 4 th centenary by the death– September 29 th and 30 th 2005, Modena.

As far as the guitar area is specifically concerned, my researches have been centred on the beginning of the 20 th century in Italy. Only in recent times there has been a re-valuation of the works of guitar composers such as Luigi Mozzani, Benvenuto Terzi, Teresa de Rogatis, whom the star of Segovia had in part eclipsed. In the guitar area, the life of those years reveals an intense activity taking place at different levels: from the didactic activity to the organisation of concerts, to the composition of works that were to build the new repertory of this instrument. To this extent, a particular role had been played by the Modenese Romolo Ferrari. Famous for the musical archive bearing his own name , conserved at the Recognized Musical Institute “Orazio Vecchi” in Modena, Ferrari became a landmark in the guitar-world reality of his years. The re-construction of his biography and on various aspects of his multi-faceted activity have been the main point of my researches, in which many guitar-concertists, appassionates, researchers, teachers and lute-players ‘ activities blend in a continuous circle of references and reminders.


- A touching memory of the musicologist Romolo Ferrari , edited by Simona Boni; a review written for “Il Resto del Carlino” of Modena, on January 3 rd 2000.